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Keep it traditional or go airbrush?

Well, we can tell you that airbrushing is in vogue. More brides these days are choosing it over the traditional style of application of makeup for their wedding day. At the end of the day, as long as you use quality products and they are applied correctly by knowledgeable professionals like us, either one of the two applications will leave you looking flawless; you can rest assured of that.       But really, what is the exact difference between airbrush and traditional makeup?

What is
Airbrush Makeup?


Airbrush Makeup has gained popularity with the advent of high-definition video and photography (HD). It has become especially popular for weddings where the bride and groom will be recorded by various high-definition equipment. 


The airbrush makeup foundation that we use here at Color Me Bride is silicone based and water resistant. It gives the skin a natural luminous finish no matter what level of coverage you desire. It also photographs beautifully. You will look flawlessly natural both in person and on camera.


Airbrush makeup must be skillfully applied to the face with an airbrush gun using only airbrush foundation. Unlike traditional liquid foundation, airbrush foundation is formulated with the most refined particles to smoothly pass through the nozzle of the airbrush gun. 


Gentle air pressure from the small air compressor of the gun sprays the foundation as a very fine mist onto the skin, distributing it in micro-fine layers to give a more natural and soft look. In fact, we can hide most of skin blemishes you may have like redness, age spots and acne scars without you having to settle for a caked look like with traditional makeup.


The airbrush pattern’s micro-fineness leaves no streaks or hard outlines like those of a traditional makeup brush. Of course, these are usually too small for the human eye to notice but trust us; hi-definition hi-resolution digital photography will easily pick these out.


Airbrush makeup also lasts a lot longer. It is water, sweat and heat proof. We are talking close to 20 hours here, even if your skin is particularly more oily than normal. And unlike its traditional counterpart, airbrush makeup will not smear onto anything… say your groom’s white shirt :)


# Airbrush Makeup Los Angeles # Airbrush Makeup Artist Los Angeles

What is
Traditional Makeup?


First of all, just so we are on the same page, note that when we makeup artists talk about traditional makeup, we are referring to any foundation which is applied with fingers, a sponge or makeup brushes. We call it traditional makeup application. It does not matter if it is powder, cream or liquid.


The products that we use here at Color Me Bride are water resistant. You don’t have to worry that your makeup will run if  you sweat or cry. As long as you do not touch or rub your face, you can expect to look flawless for close to 6 hours.


With  top quality products and professional application, traditional makeup can help you hide those flaws on your skin and give you that beautiful radiant look that brides love. However, if you are looking for a lot of coverage, your face could turn out looking thick, heavy and cakey. It is the nature of the traditional makeup. 


In general, traditional makeup is not as long wearing as airbrush makeup and your flawless makeup will not be so flawless after 4-6 hours. It definitely requires touching up with blotting papers and powder, which may make your makeup look thick and cakey if applied incorrectly.  You may need a professional makeup artist to be there with you all day to keep you looking flawless. 


The best thing about traditional makeup is that it is more affordable than airbrush makeup thanks to the fact that there are more cosmetic companies manufacturing traditional foundations and it is not as complicated to apply as airbrush makeup.


# Airbrush Makeup Los Angeles # Airbrush Makeup Artist Los Angeles

"As the bride, I did want airbrush as recommended by CJ. Boy, was I thankful I listened: the wedding day was a bright, dry, 100-degree heat wave that wilted my flowers and made me sweat like I was running a marathon.


Plus, we had booked a 50s classic car to pick us up, and the air conditioning pretty much died during the two-hour drive from ceremony to reception in Los Angeles traffic, so I was really relieved to find my makeup flawless and not melted away like it might have if I had done it myself. My hairdo did last until the last moments of the night, in which some dancing undid the pretty loops he secured behind my head, but I was really pleased with how long my hair and makeup lasted that night.


So yes, CJ knows what he is doing and he will do a wonderful, timely job on you. Book the trial, make sure you book him in advance, and watch him transform you before your very eyes. It's money well spent, on a day you need to put your best face forward." Nicole Q, North Hills CA

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